

manage administrators

You are the administrator. Total administrators - .... Address can be removed from administrators or added to administrators if there is a simple majority of votes.

manage funders

Add or remove addresses that can participate in the qf funding.

start qf round

manage projects

The project must be approved by the administrator in order to participate in the qf funding.

finish qf round

you have ... M+C

add funds

Add M+C tokens to the shared pool, which will be divided between projects according to the results of the qf funding. Currently it has ... M+C tokens. It is assumed that M+C community fund adds tokens to this pool, but it can be any M+C holder.

add project

Add a new project to the current funding round. Anyone can do this. To participate in the qf funding, the project must be approved by administrator.


Qf-vote to the project. The voting round ....
